Wednesday, September 12, 2007

School with textbooks

The textbooks have come out and we are actually doing school this week.

Mr. Easy Going is brushing up on all of his subjects. He wants to be ready for college. His classes start September 25th. He is so excited to start college and be a part of the "adult" world. Remember what it was like being 16?

Designer had a hard start to his day. He wasn't excited about backtracking in his math. We talked about how yesterday went so easy and that it was because he had a great attitude. Then today he started with a bad attitude and it seemed like the day was going horribly wrong. So, when the conversation was over I believe he had made up his mind to be happy about the work and finished it up in no time.

Princess Shy was one of the first to finish her school work again. She is really moving in leaps and bounds this year. I think that her speed in getting things done is the best thing this year.

Little Miss is loving school but didn't want to take the time to do reading and counting this morning. She just wanted to color. Being that she is only 4, we let her color and had conversations about the letters and numbers that she was coloring.

I've been asked many times about home schooling other people's children or helping parents to home school their children. So this year we have taken on more children to home school. You can visit our home school site at

There are many children that seem to fall through the cracks in the public school system. Some are learning challenged and others are gifted. This year we decided to take a few of these children that parents didn't feel they could home school because of time or ability, but trusted us enough to teach their children.

Our first student is Spud. He is 13 and fits in quite well around here with my boys. He was nervous at first about being around a bunch of "weird home schoolers". Once he hung out with my boys though he realized that we're about as normal, or abnormal, as everyone else. Anyway, he's enjoying coming to school here with us too. The best part is being able to lay around and do school work...

It's so nice that school work is done by noon and we have the rest of the day to take care of life. Mr. Easy Going put a new battery in his car and the steering is all put back together so now he can drive it again. Designer is still reading Eldest and is loving it. Princess Shy and Little Miss played softball with the neighbor girl. We all did some gardening and some chores. Life is good and we are blessed.

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